Thursday, May 20, 2010

News from the Course

I just received news that Team #1 Blackheart has left on the leg 6 MTB in 1st place! How did I hear this ... well ... Rob Preston Snr is volunteering driving trucks at the event and he is phoning updates back to Rob's Mum Julia who passes them onto me. It does kind of feel like de ja vu from the late night phones calls to the same "Supercrew" in Portugal last year.

Anyway, apparently the team looked great last night and were all smiles after the rafting this morning. They were maybe a little over the trek but had a great transition and is now making all the other teams chase them.

I also just got off the phone to Ben who had witnessed the Ravenshoe Transition described in the latest report from Sleepmonsters.

The front 4-5 teams all arrived into transition together and most members of all teams had encountered the stinging trees. It was interesting to see how the different teams coped with the issue. Team Blackheart decided that the worst was probably over and that they would just deal with it and keep going, so headed straight out on the bike. Others went off to the 1st aid for the acid and wax strips treatment and apparently some just rolled around on the ground screaming.

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