Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Adventure Racing World Championships begin in Costa Rica #ARWC

Well there's nothing like the thought of studying for an impending exam to get you hooked on watching the top AR teams dots move through the Costa Rican jungle. Now that Wild Racers series has started showing on One HD in Australia I know heaps of people watching for the first time, and particularly for my work colleagues it is their first real understanding of what I do on weekends. Though it is with frustration that the work training course I started in May was extended and prevented our team from racing XPD, or ARWC. At least now I will understand the fasination with "watching the dots". So I just thought I'd share the best places to follow the race via social media.
ARWC Website- included live GPS tracking
ARWC Facebook
Breath Magazine- awesome race banter from Canada
Sleepmonsters Twitter- @arcostarica #ARWC

Enjoy sleeping in your bed tonight. It will be more comfortable than paddling an inflatable kayak through a crocadile and ananconda infested river, but I still know where I'd rather be.... Good luck to all the teams competing.

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