Monday, April 23, 2012

Godzone Adventure video and photos

Here are some photos of the course and Team Blackheart at the The new AR World Series race in New Zealand, the Orion Health Godzone Adventure. Thank you for the fantastic photos from Green Pixel.
And if you haven’t already watched them, here are the Wild Racers summary for each day. I can’t wait for the full series which starts screening in Australia on Fox on 23rd May.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Seagate win

Wednesday, April 11, 2012 Move Into 3rd - GODZone Adventure have moved up into 3rd place after 2 days of racing. The team went into the 54km Dunton Range trek in 4th but moved pass Team Subway during the navigationally demanding leg.

Dunton Range Trek - This is a real navigational challenge. The terrain is tough, there are few paths and the difference between scrub and beech forest (and resulting route selection) could make a huge difference time wise. Some teams will go high to avoid the forest and scrub; others will go low and try to take more direct lines. Multiple stream valleys make route finding difficult and CP placement is challenging. Given that most teams will be doing a lot, if not all of this stage at night, we think it will prove to be a tough task for all. GODZone Adventure website.

Currently the team is on the way to the 2nd of three checkpoints in the other long 48km trek of the race through Eyre Mountain Range.

Eyre Mountains Trek - A long trek over an area of real wilderness with teams likely to be showing signs of fatigue. Teams will encounter steep, exposed and trackless terrain for long periods and almost 3500m of ascent on the way. The mountain ridges and tops are bereft of vegetation and shelter is hard to find in an area that can be exposed to some harsh weather. The alternative routes along the valleys are filled with scrub, which can slow progress to a crawl, so teams will have to trade off height gain and weather conditions versus a fight along the stream beds. Good route selection is absolutely crucial to a fast time. GODZone Adventure website.

Live Coverage head to



Sunday, April 8, 2012

Godzone Adventure almost. almost. almost.

The wait is almost over for the start of the inaugural Orion Health Godzone Adventure race in Queenstown New Zealand. This part is always the most stressful, but now sitting at Patagonia Chocolates drinking coffee, enjoying the view and chatting to teams walking by we are starting to relax.
team blackheart photo

A huge thanks to our sponsors who make racing possible and more enjoyable..
SILVA compasses
Shotz Sports Nutrition
Ayup Lights
Aussie Butt Cream
Moxie Gear Gaiters
Trigger Point Therapies

Friday, April 6, 2012

2nd day in Queenstown- experiencing life in front of the camera

P1020117We had a the regular stress of air travel, this time trying to pull the wool over the eyes and scales of Jetstar staff. With 19kg of carry on luggage and a few other tricks of the trade we made it to Christchurch and then Queenstown without excess baggage fees so that was a good start to the trip. 

The in Queenstown has been just magnificent. I'm started looking for a new job in Queenstown because as long as the weather says like this I'm not going home. Last night we met our new team member Glen Currie from Methven near Christchurch. After a few months of email contact it was great to finally meet and see that we were going to get along well and have few laughs, mostly at the expense of other NZ teams. 

Today we spent the whole day with the Nothin' But Shorts international conglomerate of photographers, media staff, Macpac owners and Team Seagate and Girls On Top. We visited a range of locations, firstly Moke Lake for a bit of riding and trekking. 



Then back through Queenstown then over to Onsen Hot Pools to recover from the very tiring morning session.


Then to Skippers Canyon for another short bike and trekking stage.


And finally a lovely meal at Botswana Butchery to get some quality food before we start living on carbs and salt.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Team Blackheart sponsor of the day - SILVA compasses

SILVA are the leading compass manufacturer in the world. Starting in 1993, this iconic Swedish business started by an entrepreneurial trio of champion Swedish orienteers invented the liquid-filled compass, which was more precise and easier to use than other such instruments. At the same time they launched their first headlamp, setting the stage for innovation in diverse areas of outdoor sport. Though much in the company has changed, Silva compasses remain the first choice for Orienteers and Adventurers around the world. Check out more on SILVA at

SILVA Spectra OMC 66 Wrist compass
Team Blackheart, and in particular myself (Rob) and Kathryn Ewels have been using SILVA compasses for years for Orienteering and rogaining. Since taking up Adventure Racing I have found the SILVA Spectra OMC as the most useful part of my kit. Since it sits nicely on the bottom of the big thumb, it doesn't get in the way when biking or kayaking unlike other compasses. 

But don't just take my word for it. The top 3 teams from last years World Adventure Racing Championships in Tasmania were using SILVA compasses. Per from champion Team Thule is pictured with his OMC 66 on his wrist. 2nd place Team SILVA, well of course they use SILVA compasses. And kiwi World Rogaining Champion Chris Forne would be lost without his Jet 6 Spectra thumb compass. 

Check out our SILVA compass specials here

Get in touch if you need a compass for your next Adventure, eg Geoquest 48hr in June. 

Per from champion Team Thule is pictured with his OMC 66 on his wrist.